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- part 6
- 명사 + 명사
- state verbs or action verbs or both
- 현재분사 or 과거분사
- To 부정사란?
- 나의 영어실력은?(2)
- 동격의 모든 형태
- 관계대명사란?
- 동사의 시제는 총 몇 개?
- A
- 불가산 명사이지만 가산 명사로 취급되는 경우(2)
- That 사용법(2)
- 복합 관계사
- 영문법
- 토익 기출
- Proverbs
- an
- 영어 어법
- That 사용법(3)
- 구(phrases)
- Main subject
- the
- 가산 명사와 불가산 명사의 구별
- Not
- 콩글리쉬
- etymology
- 절(clauses)
- 분사란?
- 무관사
- idioms
- Today
- Total
Monkey in Pajamas
- 토익 기출
- Proverbs
- 콩글리쉬
- 영문법
- 영어 어법
- idioms
- A
- 무관사
- an
- the
- 동사의 시제는 총 몇 개?
- 절(clauses)
- 명사 + 명사
- 구(phrases)
- 나의 영어실력은?(2)
- To 부정사란?
- Main subject
- etymology
- 관계대명사란?
- part 6
- 현재분사 or 과거분사
- Not
- 불가산 명사이지만 가산 명사로 취급되는 경우(2)
- That 사용법(3)
- 가산 명사와 불가산 명사의 구별
- state verbs or action verbs or both
- 분사란?
- That 사용법(2)
- 동격의 모든 형태
- 복합 관계사
- zero article
- 관계대명사 + be 동사의 생략
- 불가산 명사이지만 가산 명사로 취급되는 경우(1)
- 나의 영어 실력은?(2)
- 최상급 강조 수식어
- That 사용법(1)
- which
- 소유격
- find vs find out
- most vs most of
- could의 사용법
- after all = finally?
- 구동사란?
- 나의 영어 실력은?(3)
- whole of my friends?
- Almost Koreans?
- 동명사란?
- Most of Koreans?
- 현재분사란?
- 시간 부사절
- Parallelism
- How about? vs What about?
- inform의 올바른 문장 형태
- what vs which
- 자동사로 착각하기 쉬운 타동사
- 문장의 흐름
- Almost vs Nearly
- 나의 영어 실력은?(4)
- when or in case
- as though or in case
- by와 until의 차이점 및 구분 방법
- 분사구문이란?
- Experience
- each
- lovely
- 의문사
- least favorite
- on the contrary vs on the other hand
- contrary vs opposite
- As you sow so shall you reap
- Maybe I think Mr. Kim was born in Busan?
- has completed or will have completed
- whenever or since
- when vs whenever
- 한정사란?
- make up one's mind
- documented or experimented
- while or that
- permit vs allow vs let
- poured in
- Apart from or Among
- among or over
- among or along
- if vs in case
- 관계부사란?
- staffs? & families?
- except going on a picnic?
- Baseball is my favorite kind of sport?
- most or many
- purchase or purchases
- Request or Requests
- ~에도 불구하고
- familiar with someone?
- 가산 명사이지만 무관사 사용
- 현재분사와 동명사의 구분
- incur
- has arrived
- surprised
- whether a or b
- either a or b
- On the contrary
- to know
- Otherwise
- 영어 문법
- After All
- TO love
- Complicated
- All
- bias
- station
- 부사
- one
- study
- Don't put all your eggs in one basket
- come vs go
- solution to vs solution for
- 최상급 앞에는 항상 정관사(the) 필요?
- Every dog has its day
- Appearances can be deceptive
- All that glitters is not gold
- He has a lot of experience to use a computer?
- displayed or confirmed
- I took an umbrella in case it will rain?
- Hope for the best prepare for the worst
- How about your new son-in-law?
- How about Korean women?
- How about this dress?
- entering or entry
- amusing or impressive
- 문장에서 보어 역할이 가능한 품사(형태)
- bring vs take
- on vs about
- According to me?
- everyday vs every day
- 목적격 or 재귀대명사
- 주어 + be 동사의 생략
- advise의 올바른 문장 형태
- provided or reminded
- Cancer is more popular or very popular to someone?
- hope vs want vs wish
- 제안 등 단어 + that + 주어 + 원형동사
- highly와 어울리는 단어(표현)
- both vs both of
- informed or posted
- I've decided my mind to stop smoking?
- I decided my mind to study economics?
- opposite or across
- as well as ~ing
- to have
- Please put your sign on the back of this check?
- altogether vs all together
- though vs although
- by or until
- to cut or kill
- a chip off the old block
- to learn
- shaped
- abbreviation vs acronym
- Above vs Over vs Across
- surprising or surprised?
- 수동태(2)
- Given or Given (that)
- in case of vs in the case of
- 분사를 이용한 빈출 어휘
- 가정법(3)
- 정관사 용법(2)
- 부정관사 용법(2)
- 관사의 전반적 소개
- long time?
- Car Center?
- got married each other?
- no one of?
- see a movie?
- buy their house?
- same to me?
- suggested me to study?
- agree to his opinion?
- Even though you lose all your money?
- find out my friend's house?
- I wish that she likes it?
- My brother made me borrow his car?
- proposals
- to trick
- protection or protected
- 조건 부사절
- strike while the iron is hot
- miss the boat
- mandated
- anticipated
- initially
- most thorough
- to be
- succeeded in
- managed to
- pillowcases
- find out
- an arm and a leg
- itis
- 가산 명사
- Don't judge a book by its cover
- was able to
- Unbeatable
- cut out
- suggest
- inflammation
- anyone
- in front of
- except
- Decide
- Abbreviation
- advised
- besides
- Location
- Friendly
- so much
- neighborhood
- Across
- Actions speak louder than words
- great
- 가정법 과거완료
- her
- 전치사
- shape
- 부정관사
- Like Father Like Son
- want
- What Goes Around Comes Around
- ain't
- Before
- convince
- remind
- over
- Hope
- Being
- John Hancock
- IN
- find
- wish
- under an awful lot of stress
- wet towels
- wet wipes
- please give me some water tissues?
- stressful
- stress someone out
- one good turn deserves another
- i'm getting real stress?
- met a serious accident?
- flabbergasted
- dumbfounded
- the martial law accident?
- there is more than one way to skin a cat
- a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
- a bad(poor) workman always blames his tools
- too many chiefs and not enough indians
- walk all over someone
- a third wheel
- a background friend
- wear on
- a surplus of effort can overcome a deficit of confidence
- remove oneself from the equation altogether
- deserve(s) to be at the bottom of
- the things that matter to us
- what matters to us
- 우리 자신에게 중요한 것
- the tiger cannot change its stripes
- the leapard cannot change its spots
- have + 목적어(사람) + ~ing
- have + 목적어(사람) + 동사원형
- each vs every
- during vs in
- the road to hell is paved with good intentions
- variety is the spice of life
- forewarned is forearmed
- if you can't beat them join them
- a bull in a china shop
- a storm in a teacup
- the calm/lull before the storm
- desperate times call for desperate measures
- strong(long) suit
- strong point
- weak point
- have a weak spot for
- make the best of a bad bargain
- that will do
- 가격 범위
- cease fire
- commence fire
- fall on deaf ears
- go one ear and out the other
- 귓전으로 흘리다
- 귓등으로 흘려듣다
- 귓등으로 듣다
- shocked
- Somebody was dressed with something?
- Somebody was dressing in something?
- continuously
- coordination vs coordinated
- appeal vs appealing
- You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
- When the cat's away the mice will play
- Where ond door shuts another opens
- Where there's a will there's a way
- Watch the doughnut and not the hole
- Shift or Shifting
- on the contrary or after all
- discover or suggest
- do vs do so
- yell(scream) bloody murder
- stand someone up
- dump someone
- have a crush on someone
- a live wire
- fix someone up
- put a damper on
- a wet blanket
- Too many cooks spoil the broth
- Time and tide wait for no man
- miss the forest for the tress
- One man's junk is another man's treasure
- 'do' 용법
- I did never like her vs I never did like her
- Who did say that? vs Who did you see?
- In the meantime or However
- shortly or recently
- Of all the women in the world you're my most favorite?
- Autumn is my best favorite season?
- Baseball is my farorite kind of sport?
- What is your most favorite sport?
- My sister divorced last year?
- interest vs interests
- uninterested vs disinterested
- deepfakes
- misinformation vs disinformation
- depend vs dependent vs independent
- no news is good news
- no gain without pain
- Never test the depth of the river with both feet
- Never test the depth of the water with both feet
- turn someone down
- pop the question
- like a ton of bricks
- old flame
- It's not over till it's over
- I have a question for you vs I have a question to you
- join or agree
- supply B to A
- supply A with B
- present B to A
- present A with B
- provide B to A
- provide A with B
- committing or providing
- dead vs died
- a country vs the country
- It's never too late to mend
- It's easy to be wise after the event
- You'd better visit Korean Folk Village?
- make the best of
- on the same wavelength
- at fault
- on shaky ground
- on the rocks
- a false alarm
- Are you coming to his party?
- Are you going to his party?
- Curiosity killed the cat
- A rolling stone (gathers no moss)
- Empty vessels make the most sound
- In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king
- All's well that ends well
- What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave/tomb
- Old habits die hard
- immorality
- conscious vs consciousness vs conscience
- Thank you for your coming?
- Thank you for your helping?
- countertops
- beds
- You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
- the straw that broke the camel's back
- the last straw
- A drowning man will clutch at a straw
- A cat has nine lives
- Money doen't grow on trees
- write(writing)
- graph(y)
- believe vs believe in
- understandable
- understandable vs understanding
- Great minds think alike
- comprehensible vs comprehensive
- put someone down
- see eye to eye
- at odds
- lead someone around by the nose
- have a mind of one's own
- requirement or credentials
- I get much pleasure from my work?
- I have much free time this summer?
- ASEAN included five countries such as Thailand Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines and Singapore?
- control of the Korean peninsula was divided among three kingdoms such as Goguryeo Baekje Silla?
- Practice what you preach
- be all talk(and no action)
- poke/stick your nose into something
- Likely or Hardly
- have found
- be found
- A friend in need is a friend indeed
- Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
- Necessity is the mother of invention
- After rain comes fair weather
- Every cloud has silver lining
- Finders keepers
- Finders keepers losers weepers
- Let bygones be bygones
- bury the hatchet
- It's no use over spil
- Once bitten twice shy
- six of one half a dozen of the other
- A good teacher needs much patience?
- Enjoy it while it lasts
- A stich in time saves nine
- I heard that your kid won a literary prize?
- The president of this university has three kids
- My mommy thinks that I should quit my job at the bank?
- Although my daddy wanted to become a doctor I decided to major in economics
- An idle brain is the devil's workshop
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- get some shut-eye
- get some sleep
- get some z's
- close vs shut
- look down one's nose at
- steer clear of someone
- off and on
- name someone after
- nobody's fool
- You reap what you sow
- You can't always get what you want
- You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it
- Where there's smoke there's fire
- When the going gets tough the tough get going
- When in Rome do as the Romans do
- Two wrongs don't make a right
- Two heads are better one
- The squeaky wheel gets the grease
- There's no time like the present
- There's no such thing as a free lunch
- There is no place like home
- The pen is mightier than the sword
- He's only elementary school second year?
- when I was university third year?
- when I was high school second year?
- The grass is always greener on the other side
- The enemy of my enemy is my friend
- The early bird gets the worm
- Practice makes perfect
- introduced or concentrated
- reception or receptacles
- outcome or division
- persuaded or persuade
- granted or voted
- In my university days~?
- ~ in my high school days?
- the pot calling the kettle black
- People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
- No man is an island
- a carbon copy of someone
- Like mother like daughter
- care(about) vs care of vs care for
- laughter is the best medicine
- Maybe I think it will rain this evening?
- Maybe I think it was your brother?
- to design or designing?
- before or unless
- Ignorance is bliss
- Knowledge is power
- every cloud has a silver lining
- keep your friends close and your enemies closer
- If you want something done right you have to do it yourself
- If you play with fire you'll get burned
- by vs with
- shape up or ship out
- If you can't beat 'em join 'em
- wide vs broad
- Let sleeping dogs lie
- If it ain't broke don't fix it
- Honesty is the best policy
- Good things come to those who wait
- God helps those who help themselves
- How about vs what about
- Fortune favors the bold
- You have too many irons in the fire
- Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
- Don't bite the hand that feeds you
- Cleanliness is next to godliness
- entry into somewhere
- jaw-dropping
- awe-inspiring
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- Beggars can't be choosers
- A watched pot never boils
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- All good things must come to an end
- all talk
- No Action Talk Only
- be required to
- required or subject
- helpful or popular
- who or those
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder
- 형용사 보어
- 명사 보어
- take a break
- take exercise
- took rest?
- I have a plan to sell my house and buy an apartment?
- Do you have a plan to travel this summer?
- Is this your first time to go to a traditional Korean wedding?
- This is the first time for me to see an Indian movie?
- Is this your first time to eat Samgyetang?
- This is my first time to visit Japan?
- a branch location
- repair services
- proprietary formula
- experiment on
- experiment with
- whiler or that
- a neighborhood favorite
- friendly or kind
- that or while
- According to us?
- bring up vs educate
- According to his opinion?
- him or himself
- 조건 등 부사절
- inform의 사용법
- prepared with
- prepared to 동사원형
- to or with
- sign up for 명사
- sign up to 동사원형
- drive or driving
- 제안 등 단어 + that + 주어 + 동사원형
- 후치 한정사
- 중치 한정사
- both (of) + 지시사
- both (of) + 소유격
- both (of) + 명사
- us both
- I often had an experience to stay awake all night on guard duty
- I have ever flown in an airplane to Jejudo?
- a kid
- the size of it
- put someone on
- give someone the cold shoulder
- buddy-buddy
- turn someone off
- down-to-earth
- border vs frontier vs boundary
- big vs large vs great
- besides vs except
- commence
- begin vs start vs commence
- collaborate in
- collaborate with
- collaborate on
- start a business
- in a rut
- tied down
- come across someone
- lose track of someone
- decide one's mind
- beat vs win vs defeat
- before vs in front of
- give in
- keep someone in stitches
- get a kick out of
- hit the nail on the head
- the apple of one's eye
- a handful
- in hot water
- get a load of
- across from
- When I was a boy we could see many hungry people in Seoul
- You can find a lot of ships in Busan harbor
- 나의 영어 실력은(3)
- Near my house we can see a large Buddhist temple?
- smooth something over
- crack down
- call someone onn the carpet
- throw cold water on something
- up to par
- shoot full of holes
- give it one's best shot
- stand on one's own feet
- song and dance
- beach vs shore vs coast
- that or whether
- Why did you wear a so formal suit to go on a picnic?
- I am too much poor to buy a new car?
- in black and white
- pass the buck
- pin someone down
- off base
- botch up
- nincompoop
- out of sorts
- get up on the wrong side of the bed
- as well as or wherever
- fill again
- very much + 명사
- My parents were very much angry?
- a goner
- a ballpark figure
- go back to the drawing board
- from left field
- go up in smoke
- go over big
- very much
- I very like going to parties?
- hearty or satisfied
- pull up stakes
- make one's hair stand on end
- within reason
- get carried away
- go overboard
- put one's fingers on
- a hard nut to crack
- 추가 정보
- ask의 올바른 사용법
- 이유 접속사의 차이점
- get some rest
- His house is too beautiful and elegant?
- by or on
- version or opinion
- have the heart to
- squeal
- the third degree
- up to here with
- get under someone's skin
- pound the pavement
- health outcomes
- so vs very
- the population of New York was so small?
- until now
- so far
- Until now old men in the countryside wear traditional clothes
- take after
- get a grip on oneself
- simmer down
- run around in circles
- know if one is coming or going
- bite more than one can chew
- keyed up
- I can't read that sign because I don't wear my eyeglasses today?
- Hurry up and wear your clothes?
- to get
- to catch
- to fall
- to die
- to discover
- to realize
- I'll try to know what's wrong with him today
- How old were you when you knew about human sexual reproduction?
- I became depressed when I knew that my wife was in love with another man
- The government ought to help children whose parents died?
- For the last three years I fell in love with a girl in my office
- Food doesn't taste very good to me when I catch a cold?
- I'm glad that my wife gets a job because...?
- between vs among
- sell oneself short
- dead-end job
- get cold feet
- come apart at the seams
- at the end of one's rope
- get someone down
- the rat race
- You should take an entrance exam to become a university student?
- Unconscious
- pull something off
- blow it
- off the top of one's head
- a snap
- have a prayer
- knock oneself out
- with a fine-tooth comb
- be that as it may
- Now he's in the hospital and he is very serious
- large or larger
- is opening or has opened
- Reimbursement
- until or before
- Do you have any schedule this afternoon?
- gyn(e)
- claustro
- birds of a feather flock together
- fall for
- 전치 한정사
- put one's foot in one's mouth
- brush-off
- handle someone with kid gloves
- get one's foot in the door
- play it by ear
- iron out
- louse up
- I was disappointed by my teacher's saying?
- to send
- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
- across vs through
- We all are tired?
- All of children?
- All you are wrong?
- My brother is so weak-minded?
- For three years I persuaded my parents to let me marry Miss Min but they refused?
- She told my privacy to her friends?
- I never ask my daughter about her divorce because it's her privacy?
- That's a privacy so please don't discuss it?
- sacrifice or provide?
- 수동태(1)
- 나의 영어 실력은?(1)
- 반의어 삽입?
- highly
- Price Range
- practical or trusting
- 구동사(phrasal verbs)
- Improving or improved
- approval or admission
- demonstrating or demonstrated
- setback or closure
- for wanting or that wants
- read or readership
- transformative or transformed
- Taste or tasting
- more so or so much
- discounting or discounted
- Updating or Updated
- arguably or arguing
- Negotiations or Collaborations
- 가산 및 불가산 명사의 구별
- which or whom
- In many cases or Everyday
- unwanted or defective
- the attraction or the place
- 자주 출제되는 어휘
- In addition to
- to resign
- 부정사의 시제
- 완료 부정사
- 단수 부정사
- 가정법(5)
- 가정법(4)
- 가정법(2)
- 가정법(1)
- "That's why"와 That's because"의 비교
- 문제 풀이로 부정관사&정관사&소유격&one 마스터(3)
- 문제 풀이로 부정관사&정관사&소유격&one 마스터(2)
- 문제 풀이로 부정관사&정관사&소유격&one 마스터(1)
- 문제 풀이로 관사&소유격 마스터(3)
- 문제 풀이로 관사&소유격 마스터(2)
- 문제 풀이로 관사&소유격 마스터(1)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(12)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(11)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(10)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(9)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(8)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(7)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(6)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(5)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(4)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(3)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(2)
- 문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(1)
- 정관사 용법(1)
- 부정관사 용법(1)
- 관사의 종류 및 사용 여부
- Our teacher lets us complete every assignment?
- anthropologists divided mankind into three kinds of races?
- What kind of season do you like best?
- she tends to judge him by his impression?
- What's your first impression about Korea?
- she has a good impression?
- I want it to be less expensive?
- I wish you will enjoy your visit?
- I hope you will be warm tonight?
- Which Asian countries have you seen except Japan?
- he just wants to enjoy?
- enjoy the concert?
- I'll enjoy golf?
- if you are convenient?
- agree to your judgement?
- Mr. Kim is at home or not?
- she's married or single?
- whole Venice?
- all a loaf?
- the whole milk?
- the whole wine?
- the whole members of our team?
- be lack of?
- no enough time?
- was drunken?
- go to downtown?
- vocabularies?
- alphabets?
- busy for writing?
- to study my major?
- his current major is advertising?
- majored English literature?
- SNS?
- a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
- warranty (services)
- auto repair shop
- car repair shop
- A/S center?
- I don't know if she got married?
- got married with someone?
- most of Spanish food?
- as possible as I can?
- as can as possible?
- not one
- no one?
- not one of
- not any one of
- not a single one of
- 무관사 복수명사
- a group of items in general
- reading a books
- knows a lot about an automobile?
- climbing a mountain?
- his all projects?
- first your destination?
- Original Korea's culture?
- Dear my friend?
- lost his weight?
- find my job?
- don't know that answer is correct or not?
- agree with my plan?
- running machine?
- health center?
- He is my alumnus?
- I was embarassed what to do?
- they enjoy playing cards?
- 1+1?
- DC?
- Mr. Kim has a good impression?
- don't count your chickens before they hatch
- buildings
- Please refer to the affected area
- except for
- throughout
- Your experience and skills
- cis & -cid & -cide
- mit & -miss
- cogn- & conn
- morph(o)
- hugely or speedily
- Request or Requested
- Above & Over & Across
- To부정사란?
- surprising or surprised
- no lack of
- 한정 용법
- 서술 용법
- 서술 형용사
- 한정 형용사
- a drunken driver
- a drunk driver
- from abroad
- too busy to +동사원형
- busy + (동)명사
- put one's foot down
- lose one's marbles
- Seamlessly
- has been investigating
- of the moment
- for the moment
- propose to
- busy ~ing
- as hard as I can
- as hard as possible
- as much as I can
- have something in mind
- 문장 뼈대
- if or not
- whether or not
- agree with
- agree to
- has not been
- every one
- each one
- will investigate
- customer-friendly
- user-friendly
- has been posted
- in the case of
- play the field
- incomprehensible
- unremarkable
- 상관 접속사
- 등위 접속사
- if 생략
- 자진 또는 의향
- 강한 소망이나 후회
- 변화 여부
- 주의해야할 수동태
- 수동태 가능 문장형식
- 수동태가 주로 쓰이는 경우
- 목적격 보어
- 주격 보어
- 보어로 사용
- 명사 수식
- 부사 역할
- 명사 역할
- 수량 제한
- 관계절
- of 절
- 정관사의 생략
- 한 유형
- 동일한 자질
- 특별한 날(사건)
- A square
- 어떤(any)
- 원인/이유
- nonetheless
- 서술용법
- a sleep
- a help
- three coffees
- 단순 동명사
- 동명사를 취하는 동사
- 의미상의 주어
- 주어/보어/목적어
- engaging
- eventful
- impersonal
- permit someone in
- someone is let
- it is not allowed to
- twiddle one's thumbs
- a dime a dozen
- bottom line
- fall off
- throw in towel
- be beside oneself
- break the news
- 가목적어
- that 필요 선행사
- the way how
- that 생략 가능 형용사
- that 생략 가능 동사
- stick one's neck out
- blab
- in the clink
- wash one's hands of something
- have one's heart in one's mouth
- give someone the slip
- the coast is clear
- hit the skids
- a tough break
- a high-brow
- a dive
- sleazy
- drown one's sorrows
- a bum
- jack-of-all-trades
- 수동의미 자동사
- 수동태 불가 타동사
- be known by
- be known as
- be known to
- be known for
- 복합 명사
- get canned
- watch one's P's and Q's
- off one's rocker
- no bed of roses
- be up to one's ears in something
- buckle down
- make a dent in something
- make it to up to someone
- have one's heart set on
- back out of
- fall through
- cut down on
- cut corners
- sky-high
- shop around
- clotheshorse
- odds and ends
- run out of
- That ain't hay!
- in a pinch
- jalopy
- for the time being
- in the market for
- set one back
- bank on
- on one's shoulders
- keep up with Joneses
- salt away
- squawk about
- tide someone over
- fly off the handle
- to the hilt
- face up tp
- break one's neck
- get out from under
- mooch
- handout
- turn to
- pinch pennies
- hand to mouth
- back on one's feet
- a drop in the bucket
- bail one out
- moola
- see daylight
- put up a good front
- hard up
- rack one's brains
- a sore loser
- a good sport
- take someone to the cleaners
- lose one's shirt
- have it made
- make a bundle
- in the chips
- brown bag
- do without
- tighten one's belt
- feel sorry for
- have egg on one's face
- take with a grain of salt
- a cinch
- half-baked
- a nitwit
- clockwatcher
- pitch in
- crop up
- get ahead
- goof off
- sitting pretty
- in the long run
- swamped no picnic
- play hooky
- through the mill
- well-heeled
- wind up
- take a beating
- feather in one's cap
- clamp down
- let it ride
- in someone's shoes
- get around to
- shape up
- keep one's fingers crossed
- pan out
- stick to one's guns
- hand it to someone
- mean business
- knock one dead
- make a hit
- have one's head in the clouds
- get off the ground
- kick something around
- jump the gun
- try something out
- take the plunge
- think up
- in the bag
- keep one's nose to the grindstone
- have one's feet on the ground
- rub on the wrong way
- a brain
- make one's own way
- waste one's breath
- put in one's two cents
- a big shot
- throw one's weight around
- one's hands are tied
- to a T
- a breeze
- learn the ropes
- give someone a break
- work one's fingers to the bone
- pull someone's leg
- a snowball's chance in hell
- cock and bull story
- put the bite on someone
- hand over fist
- fast buck
- feather one's nest
- sling hash
- take a crack at
- not so hot
- let grass grow under one's feet
- in there pitching
- land on one's feet
- stapped
- take someone for a ride
- run someone ragged
- take one's hat off to someone
- on the gravy train
- sink one's teeth into
- out of this world
- have something up one's sleeve
- nitty-gritty
- dribs and drabs
- pretty penny
- jump on the bandwagon
- beat someone to the punch
- get in on the ground floor
- a pat on the back
- take the bull by the horns
- kid around
- a drop out
- bat a thousand
- have a head on one's shoulders
- go-getter
- come a long way
- the wrong side of the tracks
- have two strikes against one
- in the red
- on the level
- fly-by-night
- get out of
- freeload
- go Dutch
- pay through the nose
- rope into
- grab 40 winks
- gamy
- carnivorous
- vorare
- herbe
- soror
- frater
- genos
- hepar
- arthron
- peri
- plasty
- encephal
- portare
- cruci
- mal
- logy
- formis
- paed
- pedo
- haimo
- haemo
- hemo
- anthropo
- sol(e)
- chute
- chron(o)
- on pins and needles
- particularly
- that uses
- In light of
- has been approved
- prevalent
- widespread
- questioned
- permitted
- 동명사의 시제
- willed
- minded
- directly
- concerning
- split up
- track down
- sit tight
- in which
- approximately
- supporting
- participating
- most cheese
- too vs too much
- which vs what
- in case of
- get to first base
- the same
- 명사류
- 형용사류
- 보어 역할
- on how
- worsening
- proficient
- let on
- to boot
- in spite of
- be at a loss
- galore
- call down
- notwithstanding
- be based on
- be based in
- It is time
- 혼합 가정법
- 복합 관계형용사
- 복합 관계부사
- 복합 관계대명사
- in that case
- none of
- the whole of
- that's because
- get married to
- be married to
- got married
- as much as possible
- 후치수식
- 전치수식
- 분사구문의 시제
- 분사구문의 부정
- Main verb
- Long before
- Long ago
- A long time ago
- Long time
- 진목적어
- As though
- In contrast
- go steady
- turn out
- call it quits
- chew the fat
- talk turkey
- but for
- on the ball
- Most of
- put someone on the spot
- hit the ceiling
- burn a hole in one's pocket
- Better Late Than Never
- talk through one's hat
- 동시상황
- sweat bullets
- Nevertheless
- at the moment
- amount
- orderly
- Get-up-and-go
- advise
- both of us
- Kiss and Make Up
- chip in
- stick up for
- be subject to
- give someone a piece of one's mind
- appendix
- breathtaking
- double-check
- look before you leap
- 독립분사구문
- alumnae
- alumnus
- alumna
- chalk up
- argue
- assure
- settle down
- collaborate
- Get wind of
- Make a killing
- contain
- Work Out
- 형용사 역할
- Shooting Range
- Look up
- 종속절
- down the drain
- supports
- hold a grudge
- i.e.
- end up
- 명사구
- Dedicated
- hang in there
- 종속 접속사
- 완료 동명사
- 주격보어
- 동격
- purification
- Live it up
- shore
- shoot the breeze
- under the weather
- Correspondence
- hit it off
- 과거시제
- body shop
- fake news
- Much Ado About Nothing
- Spill the beans
- 물주구문
- put on
- pinpoint
- a piece of cake
- Down and Out
- discount
- clean up
- Likeable
- 가정법 미래
- 가정법 현재
- Study Abroad
- WIng it
- Appliances
- costly
- outcomes
- tit for tat
- spitting image
- Treat
- Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
- butt in
- Mind your own business
- assemblies
- fed up with
- a long time
- gung ho
- Assorted
- It Ain't Over Till It's Over
- appearance
- Gangs
- haste makes waste
- pour out
- make sure
- take over
- Locations
- 수량 무제한
- spoiled
- reads
- take on
- successfully
- difficulties
- topping
- kick the bucket
- square one
- splurge
- Not Enough
- When in Rome
- Not yet
- a lot of
- shadowing
- Comma
- based
- 명사절
- 형용사구
- 형용사절
- 12시제
- lose weight
- break time
- completed
- 과거완료
- 인과성
- kinds
- ped
- Lamps
- The Show Must Go On
- Almost
- definitely
- accidentally
- phil
- out of sight out of mind
- Come Clean
- 부사구
- weakness
- alumni
- better safe than sorry
- replenish
- finalize
- comfortable
- 토익기출
- talks
- Off the Record
- time is money
- particular
- Keep In Touch
- Embarrassed
- go on
- Social Network Service
- Get Along
- The Tiger
- for the birds
- 부사절
- whom
- sort of
- pick up the tab
- It takes two to tango
- Sweatshop
- Blood is thicker than water
- Pay attention
- Para
- Drunk
- Coast
- Feels
- Druken
- Limitation
- recommend
- awesome
- 진주어
- 가주어
- pink slip
- persuade
- would rather
- toward
- 동작동사
- go over
- 정관사
- advisory
- 두문자어
- strength
- Acronym
- top-notch
- repair shop
- inform
- soon
- Treadmill
- above
- among
- since
- as if
- even if
- even though
- have to
- 현재완료
- dash
- Acute
- 현재분사
- whose
- 상태동사
- many
- despite
- 축약
- a Present
- whoever
- sensing
- Rental
- GeneRally
- distribution
- Between
- Easy Come Easy Go
- Hyper
- according to
- too much
- to 부정사
- should
- unconsciousness
- lack
- However
- Agora
- whole
- Imitating
- That's why
- Initiative
- Standards
- Rhino
- Wisely
- Fals
- Society
- The Time
- reason
- Indescribable
- Synthesis
- Large
- Forgive And Forget
- A-1
- Reply
- discuss
- Very
- Without
- loaded
- Non
- Much
- 도치
- Most
- bounce
- Dress
- marry
- until
- Broke
- the present
- pick up
- tenure
- dress up
- 가정법 과거
- Vs.
- Grand
- None
- that
- When
- Tell
- Same
- Through
- No One
- Sessions
- 접속사
- sub
- where
- 수동태
- Only
- Blind date
- let
- 관사
- Distance
- by
- What
- clear
- 최상급
- 감탄
- because
- trans
- 용도
- 시제
- 보어
- 주어
- AT
- beat
- skip
- How
- finally
- refill
- Common
- impression
- social media
- fall
- Limit
- 추측
- staff
- 타동사
- 자동사
- 가정법
- In the end
- formula
- objective
- 어법
- 문단
- count on
- 목적어
- 동명사
- agree
- popular
- proficiency
- convenient
- 상태
- 원인
- 관계부사
- 관계대명사
- Enjoy
- 때
- stand
- propose
- deadly
- Autograph
- progress
- Nature
- big
- approximation
- well-off
- race
- daily
- Near
- 양보
- unless
- stationary
- Karma
- why
- wear
- win
- stationery
- contribute
- long
- refund
- swell
- tele
- lateral
- Appliance
- services
- stink
- incident
- frontier
- boundary
- evaluate
- editable
- attempt
- Border
- Must
- understanding
- lights
- amazing
- I wish
- acknowledge
- guy
- Still
- convert
- uni
- support
- Sharp
- too
- IR
- no pain no gain
- bomb
- auto
- UN
- horses
- make
- 주절
- mei
- show
- Beach
- children
- 조건
- weather
- 문장
- 대명사
- 형용사
- Photograph
- family
- 행동
- Assembly
- if only
- start
- Communication
- IM
- Report
- first
- note
- aqua
- English
- Who
- Research
- management
- 차이점
- AS
- meta
- 결과
- EX
- game
- photo