Monkey in Pajamas

"come through with flying colors" = "대성공을 거두다" 본문

영어 고수를 위한 블로그/미국인이 즐겨쓰는 영어 이디엄

"come through with flying colors" = "대성공을 거두다"

잠옷 입은 몽키 2022. 9. 11. 22:38

"come through with flying colors"

"대성공을 거두다, 훌륭히(잘) 해내다"

라는 뜻을 가진 



아래 대화를 통해 그 사용법

다른 이디엄을 익혀봅시다.



Jack: Were you a dropout?


(a dropout: 중퇴자)




Hank: Sort of. I kidded around too much.

When I saw I wasn't getting to first base,

I planned to cut out.


(sort of: 다소, 거의, 비슷한)


(kid around: 바보같이 굴다)


(get to first base: 순조롭게 출발하다)


(cut out: 재빨리 갑자기 그만두다)




Jack: Well, you came through with flying colors*

on this test. You didn't miss the boat.


(miss the boat: 기회를 놓치다)




Hank: Thanks.

I knew I had to take the bull by the horns


(take the bull by the horns:

정면으로 맞서다)




Jack: You deserve a pat on the back.


(a pat on the back: 칭찬, 격려)




*come through with flying colors 



To win, ahieve, or accomplish

something exceptionally well or

very successfully. Said especially of

a test, examination, or training of

some kind. Primarily heard in US.


(어떤 것을 쟁취 / 달성하거나 특출하게 잘 해내다.

특히 테스트, 시험 또는 일부 종류의 훈련에

대한 것이며 이 표현은 주로 미국에서 사용된다)





Samantha was rather nervous

taking her final exam, but she

came through with flying colors!


(Samantha는 기말고사 칠 때

약간 긴장했지만 잘 해냈다.)


<자료: The Free Dictionary>

