Monkey in Pajamas

"get into the swing of things" = "새로운 환경에 적응하다" 본문

영어 고수를 위한 블로그/미국인이 즐겨쓰는 영어 이디엄

"get into the swing of things" = "새로운 환경에 적응하다"

잠옷 입은 몽키 2022. 8. 28. 12:03

"get into the swing of things"

"새로운 환경에 적응하다"

라는 뜻을 가진 



아래 대화를 통해 그 사용법

다른 이디엄을 익혀봅시다.



Mike: I'm going to get a promotion.



Pam: You're pulling my leg!

(pull one's leg: 농담하다)



Mike: No. I deserve it.

I worked my fingers to the bone.

(work one's fingers to the bone:

뼈 빠지게 일하다)



Pam: I'm glad they gave you a break

(give someone a break:

~에게 기회를 주다)



Mike: Finally things are looking up for me.

I'm taking on more responsibility.

(look up: 나아지다)

(take on: 떠맡다)


Pam: Now you have to get into the swing

of things* and learn the ropes.

(learn the ropes: 요령을 터득하다)



Mike: It'll be a breeze.

I'm really cut out for this work.

(a breeze: 누워서 떡 먹기)

(cut out for: ~에 적합하다)



* get into the swing of things 


to become used to to a new situation

and to feel confident that

you can deal with it




새로운 상황에 적응하여

당신이 잘 감당할 수 있을 것이라고 느끼다





I've been here a week, and I'm only just

beginning to get into the swing of things.

(난 여기 1주일 지내서 새로운 환경에

단지 적응하기 시작하고 있어!)


<자료: Macmillan Dictionary> 

