Monkey in Pajamas

"pull a few strings" = "백을 쓰다" 본문

영어 고수를 위한 블로그/미국인이 즐겨쓰는 영어 이디엄

"pull a few strings" = "백을 쓰다"

잠옷 입은 몽키 2022. 8. 26. 23:04
"pull a few strings"

"백을 쓰다" 라는 뜻을 가진



아래 대화를 통해 그 사용법

다른 이디엄을 익혀봅시다.



Bernie: There's a job opening in company.

It would suit you to a T.

(to a T: 딱, 완전히)



Harold: Could you pull a few strings*

to get me hired? 



Bernie: I can't. My hands are tied.

(one's hands are tied: 도와줄 수 없다)



Harold: Don't you know anyone who

 could throw his weight around

(throw one's weight around:

힘을 과시하다)



Bernie: What about your brother?

He's a big shot.

Maybe he could put in his two cents.

(a big shot: 거물)

(put in one's two cents:

자기 의견을 말하다)


Harold: Asking him is wasting my breath.

I think I'll have to make my own way.

(waste one's breath: 입만 아프다)

(make one's own way: 자력으로 해보다)



* pull strings 


to secretly use the influence you have

over important people in order to

get something or to help someone:




무언가를 얻거나 누군가를 도와주기 위해

중요한 사람들에게 당신이 갖고 있는

영향력을 비밀리에 행사하다. 





I may be able to pull a few strings

if you need the document urgently.

(만일 당신이 그 서류를 긴급하게 

필요로 하면 내가 백을 쓸 수도 있지)


<자료: Cambridge Dictionary> 

