Monkey in Pajamas

"song and dance" = "장황한 변명" 본문

영어 고수를 위한 블로그/미국인이 즐겨쓰는 영어 이디엄

"song and dance" = "장황한 변명"

잠옷 입은 몽키 2023. 7. 15. 21:58

"song and dance
"장황한 변명" 

이라는 뜻을 가진 



아래 대화를 통해 그 사용법

다른 이디엄을 익혀봅시다.





Mark: Don't give me a song and dance.*

It's time you stood on your own feet.


(stand on one's own feet: 자립하다)




Phil: I gave it my best shot but any ideas

I've had, you've shot full of holes.


(give it one's best shot: 최선을 다하다)


(shoot someone or something full of holes:

~의 또는 ~에 대한 흠을 잡다)




Mark: Your ideas haven't been up to par lately.

That's why I've thrown cold water on them.


(up to par: 기대에 부응하는, 만족스러운)


(throw cold water on somthing:

~에 대해 트집을 잡다)




Phil: I've been upset because I've been called

on the carpet. The boss is cracking down.


(call someone on the carpet:

~를 야단치다, 꾸짓다)


(crack down: 더 엄해지다, 엄중 단속하다)




Mark: I heard. I'll try to smooth things over.


(smooth something over:

상황 또는 사태를 수습하다, 호전시키다)






* song and dance




a long and elaborate explanation told

with the intent to deceive someone

or justify something


(누군가를 속이거나 어떤 것을 합리화시킬

의도로 들려진 길고 정교한 설명)




When I questioned her about her tardiness,

She gave me some song and dance about

her car breaking down.


(내가 지각에 대해 그녀에게 물었을 때

그녀는 자기 차가 고장났다는 것에 대해

다소 장황한 변명을 늘어놓았다.)


<자료: The Free Dictionary>




Excerse 1  Complete the sentences

with the correct idiom.



a) give it my best shot,

b) stand on your own two feet,

c) a song and dance,

d) throwing cold water on,

e) shot it full of holes, f) up to par,

g) called him on the carpet,

h) smooth things over, 

i) crack down



1. I want you to cleam your room

and then do your homework.

I don't want to hear _______.


2. I have a headache and

don't feel _______.


3. I've never done that work before,

but give it to me and I'll __________.


4. She wants to move into her own apartment

but her parents are ______ the idea.


5. He is a very poor worker and he's

absent a lot. Yesterday the boss _____.


6. They had a big fight but

they're trying to ________ .


7. You can't be dependent on your family.

You must _________.


8. As soon as he presented his project,

the boss showed his displeasure and _____.


9. The police are under pressure to _______

on crime in that neighborhood.





1. c,  2. f,  3. a,  4. d,  5. g,

6. h,  7. b,  8. e,  9. i



Excerse 2  Rewrite the phrase in italics,

using the proper idiomatic expression.



1. My test scores have been lower

than usual lately.


2. He's 21 years old and should start

being more independent.


3. When the family gets together

they start arguing. I have to make the

situation more pleasant.


4. When the mother asked why the child didn't

do his chores, he gave her a lot of excuses


5. In order not to be repremanded by the boss,

you have to work hard.


6. I want to learn Latin.

Please don't discourage this idea.


7. He finds fault with any new ideas I have.


8. No matter what I do, I try my best.


9. The children weren't doing their homework,

so we decided to be stricter.





1. haven't been up to par, 

2. standing on his own two feet,

3. smooth things over, 

4. gave her a song and dance,

5. called on the carpet, 

6. throw cold water on,

7. shoots any new ideas I have full of holes,

8. give it my best shot,  

9. crack down
