Monkey in Pajamas

문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(10) 본문

영어 고수를 위한 블로그/청취, 독해, 작문에 바로 도움되는 영문법 및 어법

문제 풀이로 관사 마스터(10)

잠옷 입은 몽키 2022. 5. 8. 15:23

이제 학습한 내용을 바탕으로
관사 문제를 풀어봅시다.

필요한 경우
'a' 또는 'an' 또는 'the'를 삽입하고
필요없는 경우 공란으로 남겨두면 됩니다.


정답은 아래에 있지만

관사에 대한 전반적인 감을

익히고자 하는 분은

정답을 보기전에 문제를

먼저 풀어볼 것을 권장합니다.








46. There’s been ___ murder here. Where’s ___ body?
There isn’t ___ body. Then how do you know
there’s been ___ murder?




47. Number ___ hundred and two, ___ house
next door to us, is for sale. It’s quite ___ nice house
with ___ big rooms. ___ back windows look out
on ___ park.





48. I don’t know what ___ price ___ owners
are asking. But Dry and Rot are ___ agents.
You could give them ___ ring and make them ___ offer.




49. ___ postman’s little boy says that he’d rather
be ___ dentist than ___ doctor, because
___ dentists don’t get called out at ___ night.




50. Just as ___ air hostess (there was only one on the plane)
was handing me ___ cup of ___ coffee, ___ plane gave
___ lunch and ___ coffee went all over ___ person
on ___ other side of ___ gangway.









46. There’s been a murder here. Where’s the body?
There isn’t a body. Then how do you know
there’s been a murder?




47. Number a hundred and two, the house
next door to us, is for sale. It’s quite a nice house
with ___ big rooms. The back windows look out
on the park.




48. I don’t know what ___ price the owners
are asking. But Dry and Rot are the agents.
You could give them a ring and make them an offer.




49. The postman’s little boy says that he’d rather
be a dentist than a doctor, because
___ dentists don’t get called out at ___ night.




50. Just as the air hostess (there was only one on the plane)
was handing me a cup of ___ coffee, the plane gave
a lunch and the coffee went all over the person
on the other side of the gangway.

